Jesus Tips

Read these 14 Jesus Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Catholicism tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do you become a Christian?

Becoming a Christian

Catholics believe that you must believe that Christ is the Savior in order to be a Christian.

Who was Jesus?

True Man and True God

Jesus is both true man and true God. According to Hebrews 4:15, he was like us in all things except sin.

What is crucifixion?

Redemption Through Death

The Crucifixion is critical to the belief in Christ. Without death there is no redemption.

Who was the forerunner of Christ?

John the Baptist

John the Baptist was the prophet that prepared the way for Christ. He was Christ's cousin and the man that baptized Jesus.

How did Christ die?

Two Thieves

Jesus was crucified between two thieves.

What is the Trinity?


Catholics believe that the Trinity is God in three persons. Jesus is the second part of the Holy Trinity, he is the SON in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit of the Trinity.

How did Jesus show is divinity?

Divinity Revealed

Jesus showed his divinity when he calmed the storm. Matthew 8:22-27

When did Christ die?

Good Friday

Catholics believe that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, and his crucifixion is commemorated by the Good Friday service.

How did Jesus show is divinity?

Divinity Revealed

Jesus showed his divinity by raising three people from the dead.

How did Jesus show is divinity?

Divinity Revealed

Jesus showed his divinity when he fed over 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Mark 6:31-44

Who was Jesus?

Worshipped as God

Jesus allowed himself to be worshiped as God. When Thomas told him in John 20:28, "You are my Lord and my God," Jesus did not deny he was God.

Why did Jesus come to earth?

John 3:16

In John 3:16, it states that God sent Jesus to earth to be our Savior.

How did Jesus show is divinity?

Divinity Revealed

Jesus showed his divinity when he turned water into wine - John 2:1-10

How did Jesus show is divinity?

Divinity Revealed

Jesus showed his divinity when he walked on the water in the middle of a lake. Matthew 14:22-33

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Guru Spotlight
Tammi Reynolds